by Hannah Pearson, Vice-President of Competitive Events
Nebraska FCCLA would like to welcome all of the new members to the Family, Career, Community Leaders of America Organization. Congratulations on taking the first steps to grow your leadership skills with FCCLA! The State Officer Team would like to give you some ideas in regards to what FCCLA has to offer you as you start growing your roots in FCCLA.
Set a goal as a new member to get involved with your school’s chapter. Take time to talk to your chapter adviser, officers, and members about how your chapter gets involved on the local, district, and state level. Attend chapter meetings and interact to help better yourself and learn more about your chapter. Don’t be afraid to get involved and offer your time to help with fundraisers and community service opportunities.
As a new member ask your advisers about going to Fall Leadership Workshop (FLW). At FLW there is a new member track to help you learn more about how FCCLA helps you become a stronger leader. It also gives all members the chance to learn more about the National Programs. If you get the chance to attend your District Leadership Conference (DLC) take the time to learn more about FCCLA in your district. DLCs are a great opportunity to learn how your chapter can help your community on a local level.
If you are interested in public speaking, looking into a career, or community service ask your adviser or chapter members about Students Taking Actions with Recognition events (STAR Events). There are a lot of STAR Projects and it will be easy to find something that will be of interest to you. Ask your adviser about the STAR Event Tool Kit to help you complete your STAR Event and learn more about it. Also don’t be afraid to ask people in your chapter to help you with your project. When you finish your project you will get the opportunity to perform it at District STAR with the chance to go to the State Leadership Conference and perform it there.
Good Luck with your first year in FCCLA and the state officer team hopes that it’s a successful one with many more successful years to come. The best tip we would like to leave you with is don’t be afraid to take a risk and try something new. If you have any questions about FCCLA don’t be afraid to ask your adviser or contact one of the state officers at