Peer Education Recognition Opportunities

Outreach Projects

Each of the three Nebraska State Peer Education teams offers a wide variety of recognition opportunities. Through Family Leader, Community Leader, and Career Leader programming, chapters can be recognized for their outstanding efforts.

The Family Leader Team is focusing on the National Program Stand Up this school year! They have chosen a primary focus of food insecurity and have created a variety resources for chapters to educate those in their chapters, schools, and communities about food insecurity – check out their resources here! They have also included advocacy activities to help raise awareness and work towards a solution. We invite chapters to participate in this outreach project this year and be eligible for several award opportunities while making a difference in your community. 

The Career Leader Team’s National Program, Career Connections, is focusing on four units this year: My Life, My Skills, My Path, and My Career. The team’s outreach project is a Career Month in November. The team developed resources for chapters to use throughout the month of November and beyond; these resources include handouts and mini quizzes that align with our units. The team’s goal is to increase career awareness and provide resources to help members excel. Check out the Career Development Toolkit that was created for advisers and chapters to use to prepare for Career Month in November.

The Community Leader Team is focusing on the National Program FACTS: Families Acting for Community Traffic Safety. Take a look at the FACTS Outreach Project presentation to learn more about about the three units of FACTS: People, Vehicles and Roads, as well as some suggested activities your chapter could do this year. Start planning now and join the team in recognizing Teen Driver’s Safety Week October 20-26th, 2024.

Capture the Action

In addition to these recognition opportunities, chapters can apply with outstanding projects related to each of the three National Programs represented. Stand Up, Career Connection, and FACTS National Programs provide valuable peer education opportunities for students. These projects can take place at any point during the year. The top three projects in each National Program will be recognized at the Peer Education Conference. Applications are due February 15.

To complete a Capture the Action application, simply submit a picture and short description using the form provided. This is a great way to share the unique ideas that your chapter is incorporating as well as receiving recognition for those outstanding projects at the Peer Education Conference.

Capture the Action Application