Submitted By: Brianna Gable, State Secretary
As I look back on 2017 I think about the moments I have had and lessons I have learned. What stands out to me most is how much I learned about life. I learned how quickly it can be taken away. I learned you have to work hard to succeed in it. The favorite thing I learned isn’t about surviving or succeeding, it’s about passion.
I had many “firsts” this year from State Leadership Conference last spring to the first days of my Junior year in August. I travelled to Nashville for the National FCCLA Leadership Conference that covered a five day span. I saw passion in our members preparing to present a STAR Event project dressed as a superhero, that takes courage. I took my stance on the lane and prepared myself to throw the first ball of the Class B Girls Bowling State Championship on national television. The whole time I was thinking “Oh goodness, whatever you do don’t throw this in the gutter”, the stone-cold stare on my face wasn’t confidence.
It’s nerve-wracking to do anything for the first time in front of a large audience because it’s a place of vulnerability. However, the people that put themselves in that position aren’t usually there to prove someone wrong. They are there because they have passion, and that passion is the driving force to overcome the feeling of vulnerability.
Passion is defined as an intense desire or enthusiasm for something. I saw my passion in bowling as I found myself at the alley five times a week, entering tournaments, and moving up in standings. I recognized my passion for the sport when I heard the news high school bowling could potentially cease to exist. I am sure every individual can relate to this in a similar way, just think about where you spend the majority of your time and you’ll find a passion. You wouldn’t do it if you weren’t passionate about it.
Let’s think about FCCLA and passion coming together, it happens everyday! When you pick a STAR project you pick it for a reason whether it’s an idea or an area you love. When you apply for a state office you are probably doing it because you love FCCLA and not to add another thing to your schedule. FCCLA is all about pursuing and uncovering your passion, I see it every time I view projects, visit a chapter, and lead members in workshops.
I challenge you to find your passion in FACS and put it into action in your community and daily life. At this time next year, you’ll be able to look back and see just how far having passion can bring you.