Submitted by: William Wilton, FCCLA Vice-President
I have always looked forward to FCCLA Week in my High School. It was our chapter’s chance to showcase what we do as an organization to the rest of our school by getting them involved in our projects and letting them see what FCCLA was really about. This year Nebraska FCCLA is excited to share how we plan celebrate FCCLA Week, February 12th- February 16th, as well as Career and Technical Education Month during all of February! Make sure to share all of the amazing work you do by using the Nebraska and National Hashtags as well as tagging in your post.
Monday- Black, White, and Red All Over
- Make it a challenge in your school to see who can wear the most black, white, or red in support of FCCLA. Make sure to share your winners with #spreadtheredne
Tuesday- Careers in Action
- Dress up for your dream job, invite community members to talk about their FACS careers, or host a career fair for your student. Share with #FACScareers so we can see what you are doing. Recognize your FCCLA Chapter Advisers and FACS Teachers by sharing your love for them on National FCS Educator Day! #SayYestoFCS
Wednesday-!nspiRED by FCCLA
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day with by sharing your love for your FCCLA BFF and other members with Candy Grams or Valentines to share with your school and make sure to share your #FCCLABFF with us on social media!
Thursday- Say Thanks
- Celebrate Thankful Thursday with notes for all of the amazing FCCLA Members, Advisors, and Sponsors. Your State Offices are #FCCLAthankful for all of our members and advisors and we want to see who you are all thankful for.
Friday- Make an Impact
- Spend time with your chapters and families while giving back to your communities. Host a charity dinner, community service project, or donate to a local food bank. Help your community see how #FCCLAcares.
The Nebraska Department of Education and Nebraska FCCLA would love to see you make a short 30 second video showcasing FACS and FCCLA in your school and make sure to share it with #NECTE and tag @NECareerEd on twitter. We hope to be able to see all of you sharing your videos by February 20th!